This keynote will analyze how an experience in choral music can become a model of excellence for professional development and be determinant in the development of long-term brotherhood bonds. It is an in-depth analysis of the reason why belonging to a choral group where hard teamwork was carried out under the baton of distinguished conductors and leaders, has had a long-lasting influence on the professional, artistic, and private life of several participants of the Venezuelan choral movement. It also explains why there is the need to recreate this innovative and sustainable choral experience today, both from the artistic point of view as well as from the desire to transform it into a quest for social responsibility.
The analysis will be based on the case of CUSIB (Choralist of the Universidad Simón Bolívar) Global, an organization that, since its creation in 2021, has brought together more than a hundred choralists from the Venezuelan choral movement, especially from the choruses of the Simón Bolívar University, that either live in Venezuela or belong to the Venezuelan diaspora that lives in other countries. This organization has allowed them to gather on several occasions for rehearsals and concerts, and to work on artistic projects including the documentation of the history of the choruses, participants and conductors, something unprecedented in the world of international choral music.
Alina Agüero
Nahyemir Giannotti
Carlos Martínez
Rafael Márquez
Edna Ruckhaus
Creative Team:
Editorial and content coordinator: Adriana Bracho, Pantelis Palamidis, Edna Ruckhaus
Digital design and editing: Elssen Lombó
Collaborators: Leo Corry, Juan Díaz, Octavio Rodríguez,
Mariflor Salas, Cristina Vogeler
Concept and general coordination: Pantelis Palamidis, Edna Ruckhaus
CUSIB Global Association:
Máximo Santelmo, President
Alina Agüero, Vice-President
Sheila Viana, Secretary
Carlos Rojas, Treasurer
Desirée Agüero, Vocal
Adríán Higuerey, Vocal
Carolina Martínez, Vocal
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